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Personal Branding

Add a professional-looking logo or an inspirational image that reflects your creative style. This can enhance your profile's credibility and help you stand out.

Professional Summary

Include a summary at the beginning of your CV to highlight your key strengths and career goals. Express your motivation and aspirations in one or two paragraphs or bullet points. If you're unsure about your writing, consider using ChatGPT for assistance, and get feedback from friends and family to ensure it represents you accurately. Include up-to-date contact information at the top of your CV, including your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Be cautious about using social media platforms where messaging may not be relevant or supportive.

Clarity and Conciseness

Ensure your CV is easy to read and concise [One side of A4 is sufficient, no more than two sides] Use clear headings and sections. Bullet points to highlight key achievements and responsibilities make for easy reading.

Add a professional looking logo or other inspirational image- this can increase the credibility of your profile and helps you stand out from the crowd. 

Summary  Include a brief summary at the beginning of your CV, highlighting your key strengths and career your motivation, aspirations  limit the text to one or two paragraphs or bullet points.If you are not confident of your writing skills try using Chat GPT to assist you? 
Show it to friends and family is this how they see you?

•Change and Customise your CV for each job application, emphasising relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the job description specific, desirable and personal skills.

•Formatting: Use a clean and professional layout, with consistent formatting, fonts, and spacing. Avoid clutter and excessive decoration. Proofread your CV for grammatical errors and ask a friend or mentor to    review it. Ensure consistency in formatting and double-check dates, job titles, and other details for accuracy.
•Contact Information: Include up-to-date contact information at the top of your CV, including your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Be mindful of note using any social media platforms where any messaging may not be relevant or not support you as an individual.


If you have a portfolio of examples of your creativity then put the platform link at the top of your CV. It is a great way to support who you are and your skills.
•Relevant Experience: List your work experience in reverse chronological order with dates, focusing on roles and responsibilities that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. These support your range of skills. Especially note if you had any specific responsibilities, worked in or led a team.
•Achievements: Highlight your achievement, give examples whenever possible, such  project completions.
•Education and Certifications: Include your educational background, last and highest qualification first. Add any relevant certifications or professional development courses.

•Skills Section: Create a section to showcase your key skills, including technical skills, languages, software proficiency, and soft skills like communication and leadership.

•References:Indicate that they are available upon request. Make sure to inform your referees in advance.

You can also create a different type of CV known as a BLIND CV this document contains the advice and information on how to do that. 

Make sure you proofread your CV for grammatical errors. Ask a friend or mentor to review it as well. Ensure consistency in formatting. Accuracy is crucial, so double-check dates, job titles, and other details.
Online Presence: If relevant, include links to your professional website, portfolio to showcase your work and projects.
Regularly update and refine your CV as you gain new experiences and skills. Keep it up-to-date to support your career goals.
Request recommendations from your connections - A recommendation is written to recognise or commend a connection, such as a colleague, business partner, or student.



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